What can we learn from the Meditation Statistics for 2022

There are many numbers coming from many sources and I am highlighting the most relevant.

  • Meditation became very popular in the US and especially for seniors. Majority of seniors try to meditate at least once every week. However, only 14% of the population meditate regularly. At the age below 18 only 5.4% have practiced meditation.
  • The market for meditation applications is growing fast but the majority of the revenue comes from therapists’ treatments. The US meditation market is expected to reach $2.1B while the revenue of the major meditation apps is less than $200M.
  • The main reason for using meditation is to reduce stress and anxiety.

Based on the above the guided meditation programs that a patient use at his convenience are the best solution for the mass market. This is the main solution provided by TherapArea


Written by: Nestor Gilbert, FinancesOnline
Reference: https://financesonline.com/meditation-statistics/