Tirat Hacarmel, 4th September 2022. Theraparea, announced today that its application suite for therapists and their patients will be available as a beta version next month. This is the first set of tools that covers all needs of mental health therapists. It includesfor the therapist:

  • A software tool that guides him to identify the problems the patient is suffering from, recommends treatment priorities and enables the construction of a treatment plan
  • A tool for building an automatic meditation program, and building treatment schedules for various problems
  • Software that contains a library of treatments and recommends for each problem audio clips from the library that the therapist should use. The software allows the therapist to add his own additions to the audio segment (usually speech) and thus build himself a private library.
  • Patient management software that includes registration of treatment events, a treatment diary with the option for the patient to request to schedule or change appointments, automatic summoning of virtual appointments (Zoom), financial charges and collection
  • A marketing package to strengthen the digital presence of the therapists and retain existing customers including a website, electronic mail and periodic text messages

In addition the patient gets an application that lets him schedule appointments and to receive and play meditation audio received from his therapist. He can comment about the meditations and thus improve the treatment.

Therapist interested in the toolbox should request participating in the beta at beta@theraparea.com

Theraparea Ltd. Is an Israeli company led by